Written in four days and shot in fifteen, this homegrown indie shows its seams (perhaps especially in a shockingly short credit scroll), but one has to admire Trost for cultivating his own opportunities. In their helplessness and frustration, the heroes find themselves at odds with each other, a problem Rickshaw gleefully exacerbates with twist after deadly twist. It's a dangerous game, says Rickshaw: "I'm calling it 'Role Reversal'.you get to lose, and I get to win."įaced with the greatest challenge of their careers and, indeed, their lives, Charge, speedster Cutthroat (Lucas Till of X-Men: First Class), invisible girl Shadow (Sophie Merkley), and rock-hard The Wall (Lee Valmassy) are forced to "hop to" for Rickshaw, who puts them on short-fuse doomsday clocks that create seemingly impossible odds.
Using a seemingly unlimited supply of henchmen, Rickshaw has blindsided the heroes, injecting them with a serum robbing them of their superpowers (whew-those would have been expensive!) and laying a series of deathtraps for innocent civilians and, natch, the good guys themselves. Writer-director Trost also stars, as Charge, the de facto leader of a superhero team hit hard by arch-nemesis Rickshaw (James Remar of Dexter).

Much as it might wannabe, this ain't Watchmen.
Had the movie been kid-friendly, playful or tongue-in-cheek, flaws of design and execution would no doubt be more easily excused, but as it is, Trost's film is liable to make viewers bemoan its inadequacies as often as they admire its ambition. While this approach brings its own graphic-novel frisson to superhero material (more on that anon), its dead-seriousness also invites an expectation this micro-budgeted thriller can't live up to. It's sort of a shame, then, that kids can't-or shouldn't-enjoy All Superheroes Must Die, which is unrated but, like Kick-Ass would clearly earn an "R" rating for its profanity and gore.

And yet, in watching Jason Trost's indie flick All Superheroes Must Die (premiered under the title Vs), I'll confess that it stoked the embers of my inner child a bit to see actors dressed in low-rent retro-chic spandex and emoting oh-so-seriously about taking down a supervillain. Nowadays, live-action superhero theatrics are a dime a dozen, so to speak-whether they're glutting multiplexes or running for years on The CW.
Reruns of the 1966 Batman series and movie, the 1977 series The Amazing Spider-Man, 1978's Superman: The Movie, even the wretched 1979 Hanna-Barbera TV special Legends of the Superheroes. When I was a kid, anything with live-action superheroes gave me a huge thrill.